I love this idea and look forward to reading and discussing the books. One book I'd suggest is Isabella Hammad's Enter Ghost, about creating a production of Hamlet on the West Bank.

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I just learned of Hammad this summer, and I'm eager to read her books.

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Have you read it? I was also thinking about Hammad's first book, The Parisian.

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I am very interested in reading The Parisian.

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I've only just started it--I'm a few dozen pages in. I have The Parisian but haven't read it yet. I'll write more when I've read more in both books.

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Thank you for this! I have avoided the news for months now knowing how complicated the issues are. I loved your read along on APS, it was sooo in depth. Wishing you were still there! My reading list is full but I trust your picks and hope to grab it on ereader or audible to follow along. Thank you for all you do and congrats on the new pup! He's adorable. And great name choice! My first born human kid is Jedd named after Jedi Knight and Yoda (basically both from Yedidyah - right hand loyal friend).

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By the way I just want to say that I appreciate the focus on story instead of politics. I also appreciate the fact that your post has no gift buying suggestions, tree emojis or advent calendars. It's my first December on Substack and my my my! Notes is not the place to be if you aren't into Christmas!

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Thanks so much! I hope you'll join for this. The book is SHORT!

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Even better!

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Not sure I’m messaging from the right place, but can you tell me the title of the David Grossman novel that we are reading next? Thank you, Becky

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Hi Becky! It's To the End of the Land.

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This sounds wonderful. I hope I can join in on this or another book. I too loved the APS Substack reading of The Haunting of Hill House and have been enjoying your biography of Jackson (almost done--I stopped to read We Have Always Lived in the Castle before finishing). I've requested Minor Detail from the library...

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As to Obi, Garden & Gun Magazine put out a wonderful anthology of short pieces called GOOD DOG. Lot of good bite-size morsels there.

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A superb idea! And if you want to read combined your current interests and read a terrific Israeli YA novel that features a dog, pick up a copy of David Grossman's "Someone To Run With". Grossman in general is an Israeli writer worth reading and he's written both non-fiction ("Sleeping on A Wire", "Death As A Way of Life") and fiction (To The End of The Land) that wrestles with the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

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What a perfect idea for right. Is—I’m in.

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Looking forward to reading Minor Detail.

Beautiful puppy! I recommend And a Dog Called Fig: Solitude, Connection, the Writing Life by Canadian poet Helen Humphreys.

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This looks so lovely! Just requested from the library.

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